I am an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Hong Kong. I joined HKU in 2019, jointly appointed by the Department of Sociology, Department of Geography and the Faculty of Arts (China Studies). Previously, I was a Research Assistant Professor of Social Science and a Junior Fellow of Institute for Advanced Study at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (2017-2019).
In 2017, I received my PhD in Social Science from HKUST, where I was also trained at the Center for Applied Social and Economic Research (CASER). I completed my MPhil in Social Science at HKUST in 2013 and BA in Sociology at Shandong University in 2011.
Research Interests
I am a stratification researcher and social demographer who studies urban inequalities. My research agenda is situated at the intersection of sociology of education, sociology of work, and urban sociology, with a substantive focus on child development and youth employment issues in urban China. In most of my research, I draw on various longitudinal survey datasets and a wide range of quantitative methods for causal inference, and have recently incorporated computational, experimental and GIS approaches.
In particular, I am interested in understanding:
- the impacts of various family, school and neighborhood factors on children’s educational and developmental outcomes;
- young people’s experiences of school-to-work transition, precarious employment and skills mismatch;
- socio-spatial factors (e.g. migration, segregation, location) that shape urban residents’ attitudes, well-being, and life chances.
Currently, I am working to expand upon my three main lines of research described above by undertaking the following new initiatives:
- Of Jobs and Men: An AI-assisted Approach for Studying Skills Mismatch in Hong Kong.
- Unravelling Urban Malaise: The Impact of Activity Spaces on Subjective Well-being in China’s Metropolises.
- Early Childhood Development in Hong Kong: A Longitudinal Study (funded by RGC-CRF).
- Educational Expansion, College Premium and Social Mobility: A Comparative Study of Hong Kong and Taiwan Youth (funded by RGC-ECS).
- Socioeconomic Segregation, School Choice, and Geography of EducationalInequality in Hong Kong (funded by RGC-GRF).
- Our paper in Work, Employment, and Society has been awarded the Best Paper Award at the 2023 HKSA conference.
- My former student, Xinmiao Song, and I published a paper in The China Quarterly. This study highlights a mismatch between the massification of vocational education, which prioritises enrolment numbers over educational quality, and the demand for skill formation and skilled labour in China.
- Our new paper is out in Chinese Sociological Review, examining the effects of diverse childcare combinations on women’s labor supply from a life course perspective. Turns out that domestic workers, rather than grandparents or kindergartens, are the lifesavers for mothers of young children in Hong Kong!
- In this academic year, I will be teaching SOCI6003 Research seminars for postgraduate students.
- I am serving on the 13th Council of Hong Kong Sociological Association (HKSA) as the Vice President (2022-2024). Check out our new website!
- My PhD student, Jiao Guo, and I recently published a paper in British Journal of Sociology, focusing on the spatial dimension of urban protests and its attitudinal consequences.
Read EurekAlert! coverage of this paper.
- Based on the same dataset (i.e. HKPSSD), my co-authors and I have another forthcoming paper in Work, Employment, and Society, examining young people's entry into precarious employment during economic crises and the long-term scarring effect of first job precarity.
“It is possible to make very significant progress against the biggest problem in the world through the accumulation of a set of small steps, each well thought out, carefully tested, and judiciously implemented.”
—— Banerjee and Duflo (2011, p.40, Poor Economics)
See below for a list of my publications by research area.
*: Xu is corresponding author#: post-doc/graduate student coauthorSociology of Education
Main interest: the impacts of various family, school and neighborhood factors on children’s educational and developmental outcomes.
Song, Xinmiao# and Duoduo Xu*. 2024. “More Graduates, Fewer Skills? Vocational Education Expansion and Skilled Labour Shortages in China.” The China Quarterly, Online First. [Open Access]
Xu, Duoduo* and Xiaogang Wu. 2022. “Separate and Unequal: Hukou, School Segregation, and Educational Inequality in Urban China.” Chinese Sociological Review, 54(5), 433-457.
Zhang, Zhuoni, Tianzhu Nie# and Duoduo Xu. 2019. “Family Background, Parenting Practices, and Child Outcomes: Chinese Immigrants’ Offspring in Hong Kong.” Chinese Journal of Sociology, 5(3), 263-282. [Open Access]
Xu, Duoduo*, Xiaogang Wu, Zhuoni Zhang and Jaap Dronkers. 2018. “Not A Zero-Sum Game: Migration and Child Well-being in Contemporary China.” Demographic Research, 38(26), 691-726. [Open Access]
Xu, Duoduo and Xiaogang Wu. 2017. “The Rise of the Second Generation: Aspirations, Motivations and Academic Success of Chinese Immigrants’ Children in Hong Kong.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43(7), 1164-1189.
Xu, Duoduo* and Jaap Dronkers. 2016. “Migrant Children in Shanghai: A Research Note on the PISA-Shanghai Controversy.” Chinese Sociological Review, 48(3), 271-295.
Sociology of Work
Main interest: young people’s experiences of school-to-work transition, precarious employment and skills mismatch.
Xu,Duoduo*, Jiao Guo#, Karen Ka Han Li#, and Lucy P. Jordan. 2024. “Who Cares? Childcare Support and Women’s Labor Supply in Hong Kong.” Chinese Sociological Review, 56(1), 30-62. [Open Access]
Song, Xinmiao# and Duoduo Xu*. 2024. “More Graduates, Fewer Skills? Vocational Education Expansion and Skilled Labour Shortages in China.” The China Quarterly, Online First. [Open Access]
Xu, Duoduo*, Shuheng Jin#, Ngai Pun, Jiao Guo#, and Xiaogang Wu. 2022. “The Scarring Effect of First Job Precarity: New Evidence from a Panel Study in Hong Kong.” Work, Employment and Society, Online First.
Jin, Shuheng#, Tianzhu Nie#, Ngai Pun, and Duoduo Xu*. 2022. "Spatial Mismatch, Different Labor Markets and Precarious Employment: The Case of Hong Kong." Social Indicators Research, 161(1): 51-73. [Open Access]
Xu, Duoduo* and Xiaogang Wu. 2021. “From Political Power to Personal Wealth: Privatization and Elite Opportunity in Post-Reform China.” Journal of Contemporary China, 30(132):993-1013.
Xu, Duoduo*. 2018. “From Poverty to Prosperity: College Education, Non-cognitive Abilities, and First-job Earnings.” Chinese Sociological Review, 50(1), 53-82.
Urban Sociology
Main interest: how socio-spatial factors (e.g. migration, segregation, location) shape urban residents' attitudes, well-being, and life chances.
Xu, Duoduo* and Jiao Guo# (equal authorship). 2023. “In Sight, In Mind: Spatial Proximity to Protest Sites and Changes in Peoples’ Political Attitudes.” British Journal of Sociology, 74(1): 83-104. [Open Access]
Xu, Duoduo* and Xiaogang Wu. 2022. “Separate and Unequal: Hukou, School Segregation, and Educational Inequality in Urban China.” Chinese Sociological Review, 54(5), 433-457.
Jin, Shuheng#, Tianzhu Nie#, Ngai Pun, and Duoduo Xu*. 2022. "Spatial Mismatch, Different Labor Markets and Precarious Employment: The Case of Hong Kong." Social Indicators Research, 161(1): 51-73. [Open Access]
Xu, Duoduo* and Xiaogang Wu. 2021. “From Political Power to Personal Wealth: Privatization and Elite Opportunity in Post-Reform China.” Journal of Contemporary China, 30(132):993-1013.
Xu, Duoduo and Xiaogang Wu. 2017. “The Rise of the Second Generation: Aspirations, Motivations and Academic Success of Chinese Immigrants’ Children in Hong Kong.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43(7), 1164-1189.
Xu, Duoduo* and Jaap Dronkers. 2016. “Migrant Children in Shanghai: A Research Note on the PISA-Shanghai Controversy.” Chinese Sociological Review, 48(3), 271-295.
Working Papers
See below for a list of my working papers.
In Progress
- School Allocation Policy and Reverse Gender Gap in Academic Achievement: Evidence from a Quasi-experiment in Hong Kong (with Xiaogang Wu)
- Tracking Effect or Selection Effect? Vocational Education and Status Attainment in China (with Jiao Guo)
- School as the Second Home for Children: The Protective Factors of Parental Divorce in Chinese Schools
- How Do Neighbors’ Attitudes Affect Your Identity? The Case of Hong Kong
- The Overeducated Generation: Educational Expansion and College WagePremium in Hong Kong
- School Segregation and Geography of Educational Inequality in Hong Kong
- Risk Preference and Migrant Entrepreneurship in Urban China
See below for a list of UG/PG courses that I have taught.
HKU Sociology PG
SOCI6003 Research Seminars for Postgraduate Students
2023/24 1st and 2nd Semesters
HKU Sociology UG
SOCI2002 Social Stratification and Social Class
2022/23 2nd Semester
HKU Sociology UG
SOCI2030 Quantitative Research Methods
2021/22 2nd Semester
2020/21 2nd Semester
2019/20 2nd SemesterHKU Sociology PG
SOCI8021 Individual dissertation
2021/22 2nd Semester HKU Geography UG
GEOG3421 Studying Cities
2022/23 2nd Semester
2021/22 2nd Semester HKU Geography UG
GEOG2126 Globalizing China
2019/20 1st Semester
HKU Geography PG
GEOG7120 Urban China
2019/20 2nd Semester
SINO2005 Selected Topics in China Studies
2021/22 2nd Semester
2020/21 2nd Semester
2019/20 1st SemesterHKUST Social Science UG
SOSC3880 Social Inequality and Social Mobility
2018/19 2nd Semester
2017/18 2nd SemesterData
Links to some datasets that I have used for my research.
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